Are you ready to Unlock Your Fitness Journey with Our Affordable Membership Plans?
24 hours open
Unlimited gym access
Functional Training
Area access
Complimentary 2
Generation Iron
start sessions
Complimentary 1 health
and wellness session
Complementary 2 Programmed Group
training session
Complimentary fitness
Lockers, showers and
changing room
Free parking and WIFI
No lock-in contract
Free access to Group
exercise classes*
24 hours open
Unlimited gym access
Functional Training
Area access
Complimentary 2
Generation Iron
start sessions
Complimentary 1 health
and wellness session
Programmed Group
training session
Complimentary fitness
Lockers, showers and
changing room
Free parking and WIFI
No lock-in contract
Free access to Group
exercise classes*
Complimentary 2
Generation Iron
Programmed(GIP) Group
training session
24 hours open
Unlimited gym access
Functional Training
Area access
Complimentary 1
Generation Iron
start sessions
Complimentary 1 health
and wellness session
Programmed Group
training session
Complimentary fitness
Lockers, showers and
changing room
Free parking and WIFI
No lock-in contract
Free access to Group
exercise classes*
Complimentary 2
Generation Iron
Programmed(GIP) Group
training session
Personal training sessions can help you achieve your fitness goals more efficiently by providing personalized attention and accountability. Trainers can also help you overcome barriers to exercise, such as injuries or lack of motivation, and provide guidance on proper nutrition and overall wellness.
Personal training sessions are typically scheduled in advance and may be purchased as individual sessions or as part of a package. The cost of personal training sessions varies depending on the gym and trainer, but they can be a valuable investment in your health and fitness. Contact us for more Details.
12 Sessions per month
12 Sessions per month
No Locking Period
Looking to invest in your employee's health and well-being?
Then you'll be glad to know that the generation iron gym, a digital fitness network based in New York, has now established itself in Dubai. Our corporate fitness programs are designed to support the health and fitness goals of employees from some of Dubai's leading organizations. Equipped with the latest technology, innovative facilities, and highly trained staff, we offer a comprehensive range of programs, classes, and personal training to help your staff achieve their fitness goals.
Join us at Generation Iron Gym Dubai and experience the ultimate fitness journey with our expert trainers and staff dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.